• +91-9444014217 / 7667666053
  • chemtechsystem@gmail.com / service@chemtechsystems.in
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Years of Experience

Best Experts in Your Needs

Chemtech designs water and waste water treatment chemicals and equipment and builds turnkey plants with development, engineering, fabrication, testing, erection and commissioning all under one roof. The vast and varied scope of supply in essence covers the field of water and waste water treatment technology, which also includes processes for the protection of environment. Chemtech manufactures water and waste water treatment chemicals and equipments to fit the needs of industries. Chemtech is an organisation of engineers and chemists, Teams of specialists with experienced in virtually all the engineering disciplines and technologies.

Chemtech is uniquely qualified to solve water and waste water treatment problems.

Chemtech engineers are exceptionally knowledgeable about plant processes and their needs for process water, boiler water, cooling water requirement.

Chemtech offers single source responsibility for all water and waste water treatment chemical and equipment, instrumentation, supervision or turnkey


Mission Statement

The mission of Chemtech is to provide and enhance the global water environment by providing innovative technologies with quality products and professional technical support.

Quality Assurance

Quality is not a buzzword at Chemtech. Our reputation for superior products and services is the result of hard work and quality standards. Chemtech has executed many engineering contracts meeting international quality plans under supervision of international inspection agencies.

Quality Control & testing procedures are followed in Accordance with the various Indian standards as well As international standards such as ASTM, BS, ISI or Other standards by the customer.

Chemtech has a dedicated team who are expertise in water and waste water Treatment field. We provide the following services

Chemical Division

  • Defoamer, Polyelectrolyte for water and waste water treatment
  • Boiler & Cooling Water Treatment Chemicals
  • Dry Bacteria culture
  • Design, Engineering and supply of mineral water plants
  • Antiscalant, Anti-Oxidant & Cleaning Chemicals for Reverse Osmosis Plant

Project Division

  • Design engineering and supply of ETP – Recycling RO plants
  • Design, Engineering and supply of waste water recycling plants
  • Augmentation of existing water & waste water treatment plants
  • Design, Engineering and supply of electrostatic precipitators
  • Sewage Treatment plants
  • Design, Engineering and supply of waste water treatment plants
  • Supply of spares for equipments
  • Design, Engineering and supply of water treatment plants
  • Process Engineering services and consultancy